Friday, November 13, 2015

Gianna's 4th Birthday!!!

Yesterday, we celebrated Gianna's 4th Birthday!  What an honor and a privilege to be Gianna's parents and to watch our baby girl grow up and blossom!   Gianna picked Wendy's for lunch and pizza for dinner (not the healthiest eating plan)!  Upon her request, we found Gianna a pink birthday cake.  It was actually a Minnie Mouse Cake (Bonus!).  After dinner, Gianna opened presents and ate cake.  She wanted to pick out a movie to watch.  We all sat and watched "Rapunzel" together.  At bedtime, Gianna made sure to have her super special blanket that her big sister made for her!  What a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 31, 2015


For Halloween, Gianna dressed up as a beautiful Princess!  She wore her crown around the entire block without even thinking about taking it off.  Sassy?  YES!