Friday, September 2, 2016

Mama's reflections Sept 2

Gianna amazes me everyday! I'm so grateful to be able to stay with my baby girl during the day. We work on phonics, numbers, writing, pronunciation, sequence, and plenty more things. She is very close to reading on her own. She can sound out most small to medium words and put the letters together to form words. She will be wonderful in math as well. She already knows small addition/subtraction problems. She is very inquisitive and has an amazing ability to process and remember. Her intuition is incredible. She is a natural born leader! Gianna's sister and brothers absolutely adore her.  Brittany especially loves when Gianna does Yo-doe (yoga) with her!

My little 36 pound angel is full of love, compassion, and will. She makes me incredibly happy and I'm so proud of her. It's hard to believe that she will be five years old soon. God is so good to us!

It was so funny, the other night, Gianna was playing beauty shop with her dad.  She was using a spaghetti ladle to comb thru her dad's hair! LOL! One of the things Gianna loves to do is have a Tea Party! She puts Hi-bisquit (rather than hibiscus) in my tea along with watermelon. I love it! We love pretend play!  She also loves to go to the park...she's a regular gymnast who isn't afraid of anything (scary).

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