Friday, November 30, 2012

November 27


                Today, we woke up early again (compliments of Gianna). We missed lunch today, but we had a huge breakfast so it was no big deal.   We were all running pretty low on supplies for the babies. Evelyn, our tour guide for Nanchang, took a couple of the Moms and I to Wal-Mart. I have to say, I have never been to a Wal-Mart like this one.

                The Wal-Mart was actually in a mall-like setting. It was two floors, but about the same size as the ones we have at home. The department items were all on the 2nd floor, which is where you begin your shopping experience. The clothes are all made to fit small bodies, and shoe sizes are not past the Chinese equivalent of about an 8 ½ . To get downstairs to the market area, you had to get on something like a moving walkway, except it was moving downhill. Instead of taking stairs or the elevator (Lift, as it’s called here), you just push your cart (which locks in place) onto this moving walkway that goes down to the first floor.

                Once you get down to the food market, you see the animals. The live animals. There are eels, fish, small shark, snails, crabs, and lobsters, everything small you can think of. We were told that in some of the Provinces, they have live snakes and other unique animals.  Needless-to-say, Mom did not venture over there and look around at the animals like I did. It smelled super bad. They do not sell Diet Coke in this region of China; however, they had Coke Zero. We all decided it was time to leave, after we picked up some crackers, noodles, and baby supplies for around the hotel room.

                We rode back to the hotel. Mom and I walked into the room, and saw Gianna and Dad sitting on the bed playing with toys. It was really cute; I wish one of us had our camera to take a picture. As soon as she saw Mom, she was crying and refused to stop until mom picked her up. The Doctor and Evelyn came into our hotel room for Gianna’s physical examination.  Gianna has a bacterial infection on her skin that is going away.  The doctor told us to give her Benadryl for the skin irritation and itching. The doctor pronounced Gianna small but very muscular and healthy and no antibiotics needed.  After that, we hung out in the hotel room for the rest of the night and finally got some sleep. Gianna still prefers to hang out constantly with mom.  We are hoping that the days ahead will be a little better.

                Love, Big Sister and Momma.



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